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Type Gymnastic - Part 4

Posted on:September 19, 2023 at 02:00 PM

This is part 4 of the series “Type Gymnastic”. If you haven’t already, go checkout part 3. Let’s continue with more challenges today!

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In this series of type challenges we do a walk through of all challenges that I used in my advent calender. We will continue from where we left off - challenge 9.

Intermediate challenges

The last part of this series went through some basics of Typescript, and even some basics of computer science. The next challenges might be a bit more advanced, let’s go through them.

Challenge 9

You are given the type

type MyReturnType<T> = any;

and you want to construct a type that accepts a function as a generic and figure out its return type. An example would be:

type Example = MyReturnType<() => void>; // Example = void;

We can start by adding conditional types to express that the generic T is a function:

type MyReturnType<T> = T extends () => any ? "A function" : "Not a function";

Here we are saying if T extends a function with no parameters and a return type of any, set the type equal to "A function" else set the type equal to "Not a function". Now if we were to pass a function with parameters as the generic, this would return "Not a function":

type Example = MyReturnType<(a: string) => void>; // Example = "Not a function"

We want the function to accept any amount of arguments, and we can express that by using rest parameters:

type MyReturnType<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any
  ? "A function"
  : "Not a function";

Lastly, we want to extract the return type from (...args: any[]) => any. Luckily for us, with Typescript it is possible to have infer declarations together with conditional types:

type MyReturnType<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R
  ? R
  : "Not a function";

infer allows us to define variables inside the conditional types and be used or returned later on. To finish this challenge we can add a constraint to the generic so we are not allowed to pass anything else other than functions, and let the falsy conditional be never:

type MyReturnType<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> = T extends (
  ...args: any[]
) => infer R
  ? R
  : never;

Challenge 10

You are given the type

type NonEmptyPropertyType<T, K> = any;

and you want to construct a type which accepts a non-empty object, T, and picks a single value from it based on K. An example would be:

type Example1 = NonEmptyPropertyType<{ a: string }, "a">; // Example1 = string
type Example2 = PropertyType<{ one: string; two: number }, "one">; // Example2 = string

This challenge is similar to Challenge 4 in part 2, however there is a bit of a twist to this. We can start with the naïve approach first though:

type NonEmptyProperty<
  T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>,
  K extends keyof T,
> = T[K];

Here we are saying that T has to be a record with any valid property key (string, number or symbol) and the values are unknown. K has to be any key that exists on T. Looks good, right? Well, if we use it like this:

type Example = NonEmptyProperty<{}, never>;

This is still allowed, but we want our type to throw a type error if we pass an empty object to it. Which means we have to extend our constraints for T. We can try adding a conditional to see if T extends {}:

type NonEmptyProperty<T extends {} ? never : Record<PropertyKey, unknown>,
K extends keyof T> = T[K];

However, if you try this for yourself you will see that this syntax is not allowed inside generic constraints. Instead we can try something a bit different, a recursive constraint:

type NonEmptyProperty<
  T extends {} extends T ? never : Record<PropertyKey, unknown>,
  K extends keyof T,
> = T[K];

Here we are constraining T to a conditional type, {} extends T ? never : Record<PropertyKey, unknown>. If you can assign an empty object to T, then T should be never, if you cannot, then T should be Record<PropertyKey, unknown>. Which is the solution to this challenge!

Challenge 11

You are given the type

type MatrixColumn<T, I> = any;

and you want to construct a type which accepts a 2-dimensional matrix, T, and an index, I, and return column I on matrix T. If the index is invalid, return a column with never values. An example would be:

type Matrix1 = [[1, 2], [3, 4]];

type Column = MatrixColumn<Matrix1, 0>; // Column = [1,3]

For this challenge, we need to use mapped types and the keyof type operator. First we want to map over all keys of the matrix T:

type MatrixColumn<T, I> = {
  [P in keyof T]: any;

When using keyof on array all we do is retrieve the array’s indices. We can see how the keyof type operator works with some more examples:

// Type to map over all keys of T and set the type equal to the key
type A<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]: P;

type A1 = A<[1]>; // A1 = "0"
type A2 = A<[1, 2]>; // A2 = ["0", "1"]
type A3 = A<[[1, 2], [3, 4]]>; // A3 = ["0", "1"]

Next thing we want to do is to extract the column values from the 2-dimensional array. To retrieve the columns we have to index first on the matrix’ row and then column:

type MatrixColumn<T, I> = {
  [P in keyof T]: T[P][I];

If you try this yourself you will see that Typescript is not happy because it doesn’t know that I is a valid index on T[P]. A solution to this is to add a conditional type to see if I extends keyof T[P]:

type MatrixColumn<T, I> = {
  [P in keyof T]: I extends keyof T[P] ? T[P][I] : never;

One would think that this should be good enough, however if you use this type now i.e. MatrixColumn<[[1,2],[1,2]], 32> you would get [undefined, undefind]. Meaning I extends keyof T[P] or 32 extends keyof T[P] is truthy. It seems like Typescript will treat any number (both positive and negative) as a valid index on arrays. So we need to add another conditional to see if T[P][I] is undefined:

type MatrixColumn<T, I> = {
  [P in keyof T]: I extends keyof T[P]
    ? T[P][I] extends undefined
      ? never
      : T[P][I]
    : never;

Which is the solution to this challenge! Part 5 coming soon. Part 5

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